Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Great Cousin Sleepover (And Soccer)

Last night two of the Roses' cousins slept over! After the dance recital we stopped at McDonald's and had a front yard picnic at our cousins' house. Then we all loaded into the van and came home. After playing for awhile, it was time for jammies and story.

Everyone slept pretty well last night. We had hoped for two air mattresses but had only one, so we had to flip a coin for who got to sleep on the air mattress. Rose #1 and her cousin won, so Rose #2 and her cousin slept on the futon. (I know, I know, they are actually all each others' cousins...)

After quite a while of the kids squirrelling around and reporting on who was talking after it was bedtime, etc., I went in and monitored everyone until they fell asleep (OK, I feel asleep too). Then we didn't hear a peep out of anyone until 6:00 a.m. Good job on your sleepover, Roses and cousins.

Uncle Andy picked up the cousins this morning, and then it was time to go to soccer!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Dance Recital

Tonight was the dance recital for Rose #2's yearlong dance class. Creative Movement for One Whole Year. And Rose #2 had TERRIBLE stage fright. She was sobbing on the stage and had to be escorted off. Sigh.

Rose #2's cousin, by contrast, had a WONDERFUL time dancing.

After the dancing, everyone got a sucker. And a hug.

Guppy and Poppy came to see the dance recital too. Guppy gave Rose #3 a kiss.

Tonight is the Big Cousin Sleepover. More on this tomorrow.

Peace Out Everyone!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

No Pictures Today

Midweek is too crazy to post photos. We had a good night tonight. We have new neighbors to the east, a family with four kids. All older than our kids but so far they are playing together really well! Roses #1 and #2 really want to be outside playing with them (all the time!) and Rose #3 is trying hard to keep up. Just in the last two days she has developed an exponentially larger vocabulary: "shoes," "outside," "excuse me," "bye bye Tam Tam" (our new nanny). I think I have heard "I try that" but I might be wrong. Everyone says that the third child speaks later than the first two - she is surrounded by everyone who talks for her - but I am relieved at each new word that comes out of her mouth. When we go for her 2-year-old checkup I will be able to honestly say that she has a 20 word vocabulary! Or maybe it will be even bigger by then.

Tomorrow night is an open house for Rose #1's new school. We are excited for her to attend this school, which is a grade 1-8 school. I remember junior high as a very painful time, so maybe by being in a school that goes through 8th grade Rose #1 will have an easier time. Changing schools in 7th grade and having to make all new friends, especially at that tricky preadolescent time, is tough.

Rose #2 is getting signed up for summer activities. Preschool ended last week and now she is at loose ends. So far we have tennis two mornings per week (her grandmother will bring her), swimming lessons for a couple of weeks, a weeklong sports camp (OK, intro to sports, she is only age 3 after all!) and two weeks of day camp in August after Rose #1's school is out for the summer. They will go together.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Lemonade Incident

Yesterday was a mellow, around-the-house kind of day. Until approximately 5:15 p.m, that is - more on that below.

Rose #1 had a fabulous outing with her best friend from daycare days. They had lunch and then went to a local amusement park (indoor amusement park, this is Minnesota after all) and rode the rides! Thanks Liz.

Rose #2 was very jealous so we had a cookie baking event (to appease her a bit). It was kind of a hot day so I didn't really want to turn on the oven. Oh well.

Rose #3 had to "help" with the cookies.

As we were preparing dinner, Roses #1 and #2 were fighting over playing games on our laptop computer. After a brief but horrible silence the father of the roses came running in for paper towels - lemonade spilled all down the keyboard of the laptop, and the monitor was making a horrible flickering before we came to our senses and removed the battery. The laptop is still sitting on its side letting the lemonade run out. Roses #1 and #2 were banished to their room before dinner.
The father of the roses had a part in designing a device that was on the Mars Phoenix lander, which successfully landed on Mars yesterday! Good job dear!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Good Time Was Had By All

The party was a rip roaring success! Even though we had ominous weather midday (OK, it was cloudy and windy) it was gorgeous by evening. We had somewhere between 80 -90 guests for hamburgers, hotdogs, and potluck picnic. The birthday boy made a slideshow (popular, but poorly placed next to the waterguns for the kids!), we had music, kites, balls, one rendition of "Happy Birthday" to the father of the Roses and his brother, LOTS of treats, and a great time.

My favorite part was seeing everybody have a good time and seeing old friends. Rose #1's favorite part was playing with the waterguns and running around with her friends. Rose #2's favorite part was eating as many cupcakes as she could cram in her mouth without even asking permission. Rose #3's favorite part was flying kites with the neighbor kids.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The morning of the big party

Today is the big party! I spent most of yesterday preparing - mainly shopping. My mom and I went to a big box warehouse store to buy the food, then I went to see my sister and her 6-week-old, then to do more shopping. Boy, it is tough having a 6-week-old. A 6-week-old baby is not really a person yet, but her needs are so great! Hang in there, Boo, it gets easier. And she is so darn CUTE (both Boo and Baby Kate that is).

Last night we walked over to the local YUMMY ice cream place. Rose #2 wanted orange sherbert (this I don't get - why not get the full CHOCOLATE experience if it is offered to you!) and Rose #3 got cotton candy ice cream (I secretly really like the little hardened sugar bits in that ice cream flavor that taste just like real cotton candy). The Father of the Roses got some decadent coffee flavor. I nibbled on everyone else's. YUM.

We have a big day today. It is not every day you turn 40! And host a huge party for all of your 100 closest friends and relatives! I hope it goes smoothly.

Honey, I love you so much - Happy 40th!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Getting Ready for the Big Birthday Party

Tomorrow is the big 40th birthday party for the father of Roses #1-3! Today the mother of the Roses is prepping for the big bash. 100 guests will be joining us for a cookout at a local park, a kid-friendly event, of course. The father of the Roses is an identical twin, so his brother will be there for the party too.

We are very excited and I am counting my blessings that my husband is healthy, happy and turning 40.

Tonight Rose #1 sleeps over at her cousin's house. Her cousin is about 5 months younger than her and they are thick as thieves. They ride bikes together, have a Pokemon club together, and a secret handshake.

Rose #2 celebrated her birthday at preschool on Wednesday and the last day of preschool was yesterday. The "Teddy Bear" room said farewell to each other yesterday. Some kids are coming back next year to preschool, others, like Rose #2, are headed for pre-kindergarten in the public schools.

Rose #3 is working on her words. This morning she said "bye bye mama." That is a veritable masterpiece of speaking for Rose #3!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I've Always Wanted to Start a Blog

And now I have. Hmmmm. This will be interesting.

Rose #1 recently attained the ripe old age of 6. Her grandparents gave her an aquarium starter set. Before we are overrun with slime, etc. and delinquent on cleaning the contraption, we are still quite enthusiastic about setting up the aquarium so we all piled into the car tonight and headed out to the pet store. 15 lbs. of gravel, two resin/plastic toys (made in China) and one small bottle of water conditioner later, we are ready to set up the 10 gallon monster. It is hard to understand when you are 6 why you can't go home with the fish on the very first night.

Rose #2 picked out a very garish shell for the aquarium after being granted this privilege by Rose #1. She is my girly girl and wants everything pink! This is an orange shell that opens to display a fake pearl.

Rose #3 was transfixed by the RAT in the cage at the pet store. She also put her stinky feet in my face after we got back in the car. Every time she put her feet to my nose and I exclaimed "ooooh stinky feet" she fairly grunted with laughter and showed me her pearly white teeth!