The highlight of our night, besides delicious dinner and good company, was that Ruhi's nightgown and Rose #1's jammies were of the same fabric and pattern. So, everyone changed into jammies, and H snapped a shot of the three big girls on the living room rug:
Monday, June 30, 2008
Dinner with friends
The highlight of our night, besides delicious dinner and good company, was that Ruhi's nightgown and Rose #1's jammies were of the same fabric and pattern. So, everyone changed into jammies, and H snapped a shot of the three big girls on the living room rug:
The Minnesota Zoo
Our first stop was the butterfly garden. This shot, as cool as it is, does not do justice to the beautiful garden. There are butterflies everywhere - Rose #3 kept saying "FLY! FLY! FLY!" and beautiful flowers. It is so peaceful and floaty and beautiful. If our kids hadn't been there (and if about 1,000,000 other people hadn't been there) I would have sat on the bench and watched the butterflies for awhile. It was lovely. Anyway, this is one of the butterflies that H caught on his cell phone camera. I think it is a swallowtail.
Even though this is lilies, my husband H said, "Look: Three Roses Minnesota!"
After the butterfly garden we went to the new grizzly bear exhibit. It is called Russia's Grizzly Coast, and it is a very well designed exhibit. They have sea otters and grizzly bears in a very nice exhibit. You can see the sea otters swimming up very close, and you can also get very close to a grizzly bear. The girls loved it.
After you see the sea otters and the bears, you get to a spot where you can pretend you are digging out a woolly mammoth. This held the interest of Roses #1 and 2, and Nadia, for quite awhile:
Rose #3 also very much enjoyed digging in the sand. Regarding her attire in this picture, here is the thing. Between the butterfly garden and the grizzly bear exhibit is a HUGE water fountain in which children are expected, nay, encouraged, nay, nearly compelled, to run. We had 1) no swim diaper 2) no towel and 3) no change of clothes. For either Rose #2 or Rose #3. (For some reason I had a change of clothes for Rose #1 which my colleague, quite correctly, pointed out was kind of strange. Who carries a change of clothes for the 6-year-old but not the 4- or 2-year-old?)
Anyway, all of this by way of explanation regarding Rose #3's diaper peeking out here. She was just wearing a t-shirt and diaper by this point (luckily I at least had a dry shirt for her)!
After the sand pit we checked out the wild boars and then headed home. We had a very delicious dinner with Anna and Nadia of brats, bean salad, watermelon and lettuce salad.
I am very grateful that we can do things like take our kids to the zoo and then bring them home for a delicious dinner with good friends. At dinner, Rose #1 said to Anna, "I feel like you are members of our family, and that Nadia is one of our cousins." Rose #1 is such a good girl. I was very, very proud of her to say that.
Friday, June 27, 2008
A long day
Here is something I have wondered about a lot. I sweat my work. Really. I work really hard, and I worry a lot about getting everything right. Yet, ask me what is the most important thing in the whole, whole wide world to me, and I will always say, hands down, every time: My family.
I don't obsess about how I should dress my children, or whether I structured the correct activities for them, or whether I am using the most perfected childrearing method for them. Yet what is the most important thing? Making sure that they are raised well, raised happy, raised healthy.
I wish there was a happy medium, or that I could just stop worrying about work.
On another note, yet in the same vein, I emailed my brother this morning to see if he was available for lunch. I had to cancel at the last minute (more work) and my dear brother picked up lunch at Subway and brought it to my office to have a picnic with me. I love: 6" tuna sub with extra pickles, cucumbers, and lettuce. I also love my brother!
I remember when I was pregnant with Rose #3 I craved Subway tuna subs. I know, the mercury in tuna, etc. I still ate them every week!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Rose #3 - Then and Now
A Northfield Birthday
(Can you tell how much we love being invited for a party?)
Happy Birthday Anna, and many, many happy returns. I honestly believe that you never know what might be around the next corner - life has a way of working out. All my best birthday wishes to you!
A T-Ball Game
Pictures from Grandparents Day
It is such a blessing to have lots of people who love our kids. When I was a girl, only my mom's dad was alive, and I knew he loved me, but we didn't see each other very often. He died when I was in second grade. My paternal grandfather is still with us - practicing medicine at age 95! - but he lives in Bethel, OH. I am so grateful for Guppy and Poppy, and Ahma and Ahgong, who can be here to love the Roses in real time.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Rose #3 is 2!
We had birthday lunch with Ahma and Ahgong at a buffet restaurant they like. The wait staff there knows Rose #3 from her frequent visits there when Ahma and Ahgong take the girls out for lunch. Here she is posing with the special birthday cake that the staff made for her:
It looks like sushi but trust me, it is small Asian pastries with a lot of chocolate sauce drizzled over the top. She loved eating her special birthday cake. In case if you are wondering if the container at the bottom of the picture is ketchup, it is. The buffet also serves mac and cheese and french fries!
On Saturday evening we had our neighbors over for dinner for a birthday party. Rose #3 just loves them, and we had a great time eating burgers off the grill. We all sang happy birthday to Rose #3, and she opened her gifts from us - Ladybug Girl and a Lemon Drop Dora. Lemon Drop Dora smells just like a bottle of furniture polish. Yum.
When I first found out I was pregnant with Rose #3 it was, to put it mildly, a bit of a shock. But now I can't imagine life without her. She looks like a miniature version of Rose #1 but she has a personality and a mind all her own. She is very stubborn and independent and she always wants to be included. That must be the personality of the youngest child! Now that she can talk I love chatting with her, and tonight we were reading the book Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type. Rose #3 can say: "Click Clack MOOOOOO!" I love you so much little bunny. Happy birthday!!
Grandparents' Day
My Gramadma and Grapa
Both in 60's
See me evry week
Love me
Mom's mom and dad
Big house
Use to have a dog and a parit
My grapa fixex evrything
My gramama and Grapa
Says it all - especially "Love me"
Thanks Guppy and Poppy!!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Rose #2's Fourth Birthday Party
Here's to Rose #2. Four years old: what a big, big deal. I will never forget the MINUTE you were born, and how when they put you on my chest you were crying, but when your daddy spoke to you you quieted down and turned your head toward him like you had been waiting all of your life to hear his voice. You are such a sweet girl and yet so fierce and so bright. I love you with all my heart!
Monday, June 16, 2008
We Are Cut!!
Rose #2 is not quite as cut as Rose #1, but she got into the spirit of displaying her muscles. Normally she does not look quite this serious:
We love having Aunt Boo and Baby Kate over. You come on over any time!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Ice Cream Sandwiches, Pudding and...Roofing Tar?
Imagine that you exist in a state of ALWAYS looking for your next sugar fix, but that you are at the whim of a horrible dictator who is always withholding the sugar. This is Rose #2's moment-to-moment existence ("Mom, can we have a treat? Mom, is there any candy? Mom, can I have dessert?"). She is so accustomed to hearing "No" that whenever she hears "Yes," it seems like a miracle. Doesn't she look smug?
Tonight we went to kindergarten roundup for Rose #2 (OK, it was pre-kindergarten roundup!). She was pretty excited to finally be at Rose #1's school for some reason other than to pick up Rose #1! It is probably wrong to say this but there is much less anticipation and drama attached to taking your second child to kindergarten roundup. I admit it - I did not even listen to the talk by the principal, nor did I take the "parent" bus ride (I guess this is aimed at parents so we can instill the importance of bus safety in our children).
Monday, June 9, 2008
June Birthdays!
Rose #2 understands birthday presents in a big way. Here she is unwrapping her new princess sheet and blanket set from Guppy and Poppy:
Rose #3 is also a June birthday! She got a new Dora book from Uncle Andy & Aunt Tonya. She did NOT want any help opening up her presents.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Fish Have Landed
Finally I put Rose #3 on my shoulder so she could see the upper level of tanks. We stared at the sharks for awhile. It is easy to get more ambitious about fish when you look at all the available varieties at the pet store.
We ended up getting 5 girl guppies (Rose #1 kept telling me they were tomboys, to which I responded, "tomfish"?) and 3 boy guppies. Guppy, the namesake of these fish, is really hoping that we will have fish babies. Here we are putting the bag of fish into the tank.
I am VERY pleased to report that none of The Fish have died (yet). Also that Roses #1 and #2 reached a compromise about the names of the snails. Rose #1 wanted them to be called Gary and Patrick; Rose #2 wanted them to be called Amelia and [some other girly name]. They compromised on Gary (aka Snail #1) and Amelia (Snail #2).
Friday, June 6, 2008
Waiting For H
Fast forward to tonight...After putting the Roses to bed (way too late, I might add) I decided to go through my closet and to set aside items I haven't worn or those that are too worn out for the Goodwill. I came up with two bags of clothing to drive over to the Goodwill, maybe tomorrow. I always feel like I don't have anything to wear, but after surveying my closet, that is of course not true.
In reality I am waiting up for H to get home from his business trip. I have been watching to see when his flight will land. It landed at 10:50! It was delayed for "inbound aircraft" in Phoenix. I am glad he is coming home. Rose #3 can now say "Where's Daddy?" She has been saying it a lot. Daddy will be home when you wake up JKML!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Dinner Without Daddy
For the first time ever Rose #3 was permitted to hold Baby Kate (under STRICT supervision of course). She thought she was the cat's pajamas. Look at her smile! You can just tell what she is thinking: Look at what a big girl I am!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Aquarium is Ready
Last night the father of the Roses and I had a birthday dinner (for me) at FireLake H had prime rib and I had walleye. It was a lovely birthday dinner and thanks to Guppy for watching the Roses so we could celebrate my birthday.
Rose #2 has been enjoying her day camp experience at Camp Como The class this week is called "In the Dirt," and is supposed to focus on animals that either live in the dirt or that eat insects. So far all we have been able to get out of Rose #2 is that she saw a bunny rabbit. Those dirt-loving bunny rabbits, I tell ya.
Rose #3 understands everything that we are saying. In the car tonight I was telling Rose #2 about how she would go to Camp Como tomorrow, and Rose #3 kept saying "Me?" "Me?" "Me?" Too bad they don't have day camp for almost 2-year-olds...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
A Grand Old Day
After a great weekend, it is back to work tomorrow. Tomorrow is June 2, my birthday. I will be 27. Again.