Sunday, August 31, 2008
Menus for next week
Monday - Grilled salmon, lemon rice, salad
Tuesday - Marinated baked pork chops, roasted potatoes, frozen veggies
Wednesday - CLASS NIGHT FOR HARRISON - Spaghetti, fruit salad, bread
Thursday - SOUP NIGHT - Chicken wild rice soup, bread, crudites
Friday - Grilled cheese, tomato soup, broccoli
Fair Day 08

Saturday, August 30, 2008
One More Picture

A Night at a Wedding

Getting Ready for Bed

Friday, August 29, 2008
School Open Houses
Rose #2's teacher is also new to her school. She used to be a special education teacher and decided to take on 4-year-old science kindergarteners for a change! We loved Rose #1's 4-year-old kindergarten teacher, and we are hoping that the new gal will be as effective for Rose #2. Rose #2 takes everything in stride - of course I am going to school, of course everything will be fine. This is in contrast to Rose #1, BTW.
Rose #3 was along for the ride, as usual. Her time will come!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
An outdoor Saturday
They played Star Wars, and run around the yard, and probably eight other games that I was not privy to. And at the end of the evening, our neighbors two houses down made a fire in their new fire pit. Here are some pictures of the tired players.
Rose #3 with very nice neighbor girl Krista, who dressed her in a sweatshirt:

Rose #3 was MAAAAAD

Friday, August 22, 2008
School Year Update
Rose #2 will be going to a.m. 4-year-old kindergarten. This is good news for the bus. She can take the bus in the morning and the 4-year-old kindergarten bus will bring her right to the door after school. After Rose #3's trials with the bus last year, this is a relief. I am very excited for her to start 4-year-old kindergarten.
Rose #1 is starting first grade. We found out her teacher's name - Ms. Swenson - and also that her friend ever since the baby room at daycare, Anders, will be in her class too. We are very excited for her to start her new school.
Rose #3 is very, very mad that she is not starting school. I am thinking about a preschool-type group at our nearby recreation center. It is 3 days/week, 2 hours/day, but she would at least start getting used to school. I wish you could see Rose #3 cry when she is mad. Her mouth opens so wide, it looks like it might become unhinged and the top half fall off!!
Friday Night Menus
Here is next week's menu:
Saturday - Pasta with Sausage and Peppers (p. 71, Silver Palate), bread, salad (double and bring dinner to Mary's family this week)
Sunday - Bombay Chicken Legs, Rice, Broccoli
Monday - MND (Thanks Guppy and Poppy!!)
Tuesday - Chicken Provencal, Egg Noodles, Fruit salad
Wednesday - Breakfast dinner
Thursday - Crock pot chicken, frozen veggies
Friday - Pork chops, citrus glazed carrots, bread
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Silent auction for a good cause!
The auction and wine tasting was fun. Here are Uncle Eli and Aunt Brenna and Aunt Brenna's friend staffing the white wine/cheese/popcorn table:

Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Rose #1: Guest Blogger
Me, Gus, Rose #2 and Pierre were trying to build a ship. But we didn't have enough time.
Well, I have the whole week to try to build the ship.
Rose #2 has some things to say: Anyways, I love you and when I got the Frisbee I went in the little pool with Mama for awhile. We played catch. I love you so much I hope you have a great day!
More about the pool from Mom: Rose #1 has a very cute tan line from her swimsuit, even though every time we go swimming we put SPF 50 on her. I did a handstand, and then a front somersault. I had terrible vertigo, thought I was going to throw up, and could barely find the surface of the 5' water.
Yesterday we visited Jill and brought her dinner. The girls love Jill so much, and it was good to see her in good spirits. We brought a couple of dinners for her freezer, which I hope is helpful to them as they prepare to welcome twins into their hearts and their lives.
Friday, August 15, 2008
More Kirksville photos

Rolling Down the Hill in Kirksville
Perhaps aptly named, on Friday night in Kirksville we had a picnic at 1,000 Hills State Park. Here is Aunt Heidi and various children rolling down just one of those hills:
Love you Aunt Heidi. I couldn't resist posting the video showing you and the kids having so much fun!
Planning Menus

H and the Roses climbed on the monkey bars at the park tonight. We had a great time at the Turtle Park. Roses #1 and 2 and I ran an obstacle course. (I won with the best time.) Then the Roses made friends with some preteen girls that were playing at the park and they ran around, playing tag, going down the slide, etc. A gorgeous evening, etc.
Back to menu planning. Here is my plan for this week:
Saturday - Chicken enchiladas (we are going to visit Jill and bring her dinner), broccoli, spanish rice
Sunday - Turkey lasagna, french bread, salad
Monday - MND (thank you Guppy!)
Tuesday - Chicken wild rice casserole, frozen veggies, dinner rolls (I am going to make an extra casserole for Jill for the freezer and one for us)
Wednesday - Turkey burgers, home fries, crudites
Thursday - Spaghetti night
Friday - Make your own pizza night
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Bedtime woes
Monday, August 11, 2008
Tattoo Parlor

Friday, August 8, 2008
Here we are in Kirksville, MO
1. Uninterrupted time with mom and dad. Mom and dad like this too.
2. Movies in the car. Our minivan has a DVD player which we do not use except on longer trips. I remember when Ellie pointed to the DVD player in the van and said, Mom, that is used for playing movies! We had not told her what it was; I still do not know to this day how she knew!!
3. Treats. I generally say no, as a rule, automatically, when the kids ask for a treat at the grocery or Target. But on vacation, I usually say "yes." So far we have had: Hubba Bubba, chocolate skittles (yuck), Milk Duds, and Hershey's Kissables.
One required part of the trip to Kirksville is the annual "run around the classroom" excursion. Grandpa Pete teaches on the science faculty, and so we always go to Science Hall. This year we got to go into the venomous reptile lab (no kidding). All children had their strict instructions to keep their hands at their sides and not to touch ANYTHING.
Then we went into an empty classroom. Uncle Jay and I wrote on the blackboard a little bit:

Monday, August 4, 2008
Some ideas for retribution:
1. Call up Poppy right before a meditation session and have a grandchild honk the honker toy into the phone. Repeatedly.
2. Call up Guppy right before bed and have a grandchild honk the honker toy...oh, you get the idea.
OK, I only have two ideas, and to be fair, they were really Uncle Andy's.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A Good Weekend
On Saturday evening our very good friends stayed for dinner and for a sleepover! We had a great dinner - chicken and steak on the grill - and good conversation. The girls loved being together. Here they are on Sunday at snack time, eating chips. The box, which proves the aphorism that children will always rather play with the box than the thing that came in the box (although in this case it was a large sun umbrella, so it is better that they play with the box) was doubling as a boat. A boat which happened upon a can of Pringles, as it turns out: