Monday, December 27, 2010
Guess what Rose #1 wished she got for Christmas...
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas Eve!
Rose #2 is a King's Page. She has a very important job as the head purple king's page. She has to carry the train of the purple king. This is a big responsibility. Doesn't she look up to the task?
Sunday, December 12, 2010
So thankful...
Thankful that my oldest baby made it home last night from skiing. Not my best parenting decision ever, to send her to skiing. I honestly did not realize how bad the roads were going to be as the day wore on and we got 15" of snow!
Thankful that my husband's car is a truck, has 4WD and the darn wheels are so high. He made it to the bus dropoff with zero problem last night to pick up our skiier.
Thankful that we had the sense to turn around yesterday midday when we decided (like FOOLS) to go to Macy's to see Santa. Also thankful that we somehow managed to get our minivan unstuck after we got it stuck. It involved me reversing onto Ayd Mill Road (stupid and dangerous) and then pulling over so H could get back in the car. We had our NIECE with us! I had three little girls in the car! I am very thankful we got back home.
Thankful that church is cancelled today. I don't remember the last time that church was actually cancelled due to snow, but I'll tell you that the side streets here in St. Paul are impassable until the plows show up, and our church is on a side street.
Thankful that we did our grocery shopping on Friday night. I'm usually not one of those people who run to the store when there is a storm coming, but I'm glad we did it this time.
Now I've gotta get back to work. I'm speaking this week at a web seminar and I have to finish preparing my remarks. I am thankful for the opportunity to do this speaking gig but of course I'll also be thankful when it's over...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Snowy Saturday...TODAY... BLIZZARD!!...Update!
It is a veritable blizzard here. We tried to go out with Rose #2 and #3 to see Santa at Macy's and we got completely stuck exiting Ayd Mill Road. So we turned around and barely made it home. It is scary out there - very, very snowy and the driving conditions are awful.
We sent Rose #1 to ski school today, which seemed like a great idea this morning, and as the afternoon wears on seems worse and worse. I'll be much happier when I see her little face coming in the back door. Scary.
Update: Rose #1 is home! A very scary afternoon waiting to confirm she was safe. Thank goodness she got home all 100% fine (and sort of exasperated that I was worried!).
Snowy Saturday...Last Saturday...
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Roses Sing!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
It's Snowin'
But I digress. We invited a neighborhood friend for a snowball fight, which ended up being a snowman build. Here's Rose #3 and her friend rolling the bottom of the third snowman:
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Argh! Missed Yesterday!
It didn't stop us from watching Cloverfield, which if anything made me feel sicker. When I had that feeling like I should be closer to the bathroom than further away, I went to bed (approximately 10 steps from the bathroom).
Oh well, the point of Nablopomo is to post as much as you can and not to tear out your own hair if you miss one lousy day.
On an unrelated note, I had a great time teaching Sunday School today. I was nervous - my first time teaching an age group other than preschool - but it went really well. The kids were good sports about an art lesson that involved a color wheel of emotions and a discussion of the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights (this was 3rd and 4th graders - next week I have 1st and 2nd graders!).
Wish I could post twice today to make up for missing yesterday.
Friday, November 5, 2010
When You Get Tired of Posting Pictures of Your Own Kids...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
By Thursday Night, We're Just Tired.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Rocky Evening Experience
1. I did not buy a pocket knife for my 8-year-old. We had a Halloween party, someone left it, and she picked it up. She is never, ever permitted to bring it to school (as in, would be suspended if she did) and really isn't permitted to actually play with it at home. This reduces her to wearing it around her neck for 5 minutes before bedtime while reading her High School Musical 3 "novel." (We are scraping the bottom of the reading barrel around here. Note to Self: Need to get to library on Saturday morning.)
2. Rose #2 quietly spirited away all the Halloween candy that was left over from trick or treating at our house and incorporated it into her stash. You can see her candy bag on the table in the background. I think she thought I didn't know what she was doing. I remember having similar thoughts - like the grownups just had no idea what I was up to - when I was a kid. But I know, Rose #2. I saw you dump about 50 pieces of Halloween candy into your stash. I'm on to you...
3. There are no pictures of Rose #3 tonight. You just know you are in big trouble when Rose #3 falls asleep at 6:28 on a kitchen chair. Whoo boy. I couldn't rouse her for dinner or anything, and she stayed asleep until about 8:40 when her daddy was bringing her up for bed, at which point she woke up and totally fell apart. Bad news. Somehow I got her into the shower and got her to eat some princess soup (i.e., spaghettios!) before pouring her sad self back into bed. Pictures of her tomorrow!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Finally I Can Post About The Quilt!!!!!!
I am very proud of our quilt! My cousin Chris is married to a wonderful woman named Jill, who happens to be a fabulous quilter. Not so very long after Guppy died, I cleaned out her fabric stash with a mind to continue the tradition of making a new quilt for each new baby. I found that Guppy had completed a few quilt squares before she died. The green dog in the center of this quilt is one that she had sewn. I sent it and a collection of complementary fabric to Jill, who sent it back in kits for volunteers to prepare squares.
Here's who sewed: me, Aunt Boo, Aunt Brenna, Aunt Missy, Aunt Tonya, Aunt Charity, Ginny, Katie, Aunt Abby, Polly, and Karen Lanegran. And of course Jill! And Cynthia went through Guppy's fabric and put together sets so we could have a coordinated color scheme.

I know it doesn't make up for Guppy being gone, but I hope this blanket wraps Frannie up nice and warm and lets her know how much we all love her. Welcome to the world Francesca! We love you so, so much!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Don't Watch If You Get At All Seasick
Visiting Baby Franny
We had a fun Halloween - pictures tomorrow for Nablopomo!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I Love Your Voice, Mama
What a nice thing to hear from my beautiful girl.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Welcome to the World Francesca, Born One More Redeemer!

We haven't met her yet - tomorrow - but we're so happy she's here! Congratulations Aunt Heidi and Uncle Jay and Beatrice and Gus!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Guppy's Birthday Party
Well, AFTER the park we returned to our house for a delicious pizza dinner, of which there were many, many pictures. Sadly I deleted all of these pictures from my camera BY ACCIDENT after thinking I copied them to my computer's desktop. Rats. You'll never see the pictures, but they were cute. And numerous. We had pizza! And wine! And Halloween-sized candy bars! We had a toast to Guppy and lots of comments about how Guppy would have loved the party. Guppy's BFF came and brought balloons for the kids, which Guppy would also have loved.
Guppy, we sure do miss you. Rest in peace.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A Birthday Song
You are my Guppy
And you no (know) you are
You make me happy
Evere (every) step I take
You never no (know) dere (dear)
How much I love you
Please doet (don't) take my Guppy away
Oh please doet (don't) take away.
And here's the lyricist, who's looking pretty chipper for a sad topic.
Rest in peace, Guppy. I wish you were here. I would have found the best present ever for you. We sure do miss you a lot.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I'll Bet You Didn't Know There Is a Planet Apollo
Although you might expect to find a picture of the planet on this website, you would be disappointed. I didn't take any pictures of the planet. I can tell you that she named it Planet Apollo, because there is a lot of music on the planet and Apollo is the Greek god of music.
Maybe you would expect to see a great picture of Rose #1 at her school event, the Planetary Expo, which she worked hard to prepare for. She made a travel brochure, a travel ticket, two solar system booklets, and testimonials from past "visitors" to Planet Apollo.
All you get is one picture of Rose #1, not even looking at the camera.
(In her defense, she had to pay attention to the "customers" that came to her booth at the Travel Expo.)
Here's a picture of a friend that Rose #1 has known since the infant room at daycare, explaining his planet to Rose #1's grandfather:
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
How the Day Ends When You Are Age Four And Tired
Monday, October 11, 2010
They Play Games!
They have a (thrift store) Monopoly set, after a trip to a cabin this summer where there were two Monopoly games. Yesterday H and I were sitting eating our breakfast when I heard a scream from the basement: "You took my money! Give it back!"
Weary of having to broker endless fights, I wearily went to the top of the stairs. "Guys, don't take people's money! It's not nice! That's THEIR money, not yours."
Beat. Beat. Beat. Then, Rose #1 said: "Mom, we're playing Monopoly." Just the right touch of exasperation.
They also play Uno. Obsessively. Repeatedly. Notably, once, in church (the lady behind us was very offended - she got up and moved. Really, people. It's a UNITARIAN church. A little Uno won't kill you. And I say this as a lifelong Unitarian.). I sort of really hate Uno. It takes forever. The person who wins, gloats. The person who loses, screams and flings the cards everywhere. (Even me.)
The latest is War. They play War anywhere, anytime. They don't even need a full deck of cards. I did catch Rose #2 trying to stack her hand with aces - aces are high in War (DUH). Right now they are playing War at the foot of my bed. I love it that they can amuse themselves.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Happy Twelfth Anniversary to Me
I love you H!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Goodbye, Old Rusty

Last night, we sold the car. We put an ad on craiglist on Sunday night, and sold the car by Tuesday. Just like that, a piece of history - gone.
I have lots of memories from that car (don't worry, they're all G-rated):
I remember driving Rose #1 over to her Guppy's in that car, singing a dumb song I made up (We're gonna go see your Guppy, your Guppy, your Guppy, we're gonna go see Guppy, right away. Your Guppy really loves you, she loves you, she loves you, Guppy really loves you, very much.)
I remember driving to Cincinnati, OH with my brother and sister to see our grandfather in that car.
I remember driving that car from our house in Como to law school on exam nights, and then after exams were over, to the McDonald's drive through for french fries.
Last night after we got back from the DMV from transferring the title, Rose #1 looked at me, and said, "I'm going to miss Old Rusty."
Monday, September 20, 2010
Around the House
My mother made a chair for each one of her grandchildren for their first birthday. Here are two of ours, carefully lined up by Rose #1 and Rose #2 in front of their messy closet. After someone close to you dies, one of the hardest things is all the "firsts" that you experience without them. My sister Heidi is expecting a baby in the next few weeks. I have been focused on how excited I am to welcome a new niece or nephew, and just in the past few days started thinking about how sad it is that my mom will never know this grandbaby. (She did know that this grandbaby was coming though, thankfully. Heidi knew in time to tell her before she died.)
But this grandbaby won't ever get a first birthday chair from Guppy. Maybe we should add that to our list of things we take over. Anyway, here are ours:
Rose #1 and #2 on the night of the photos were playing an elaborate game with their stuffed animals. Now, maybe all of you have kids who engage in spontaneous creative play all the time. You just can't turn around without bumping into a new world they created, or sometimes you can't find them because they are so engaged in their imagination-fueled world. Well, that ain't us. It is a rare night that the kids are engaged in almost anything besides 1) squabbling; 2) begging for snacks; 3) following me from room to room (yes, including the bathroom) or 4) doing anything they can to get out of a) showering, b) brushing their teeth or c) laying out tomorrow's clothes. When I get creative play, you're darn right I want to remember it! In that vein, here is Mr. Lion in his school portrait. The school being the Roses' School for Stuffed Animals.
The Roses enjoy photographing each other as well. Here's Rose #1 looking very chipper. She's only sans one tooth at this time, and I dare say that the front top two more than make up for the one that's missing. Holy rabbit teeth, Bat Man!