Saturday, April 16, 2011

Animal Research. Phew.

The third graders in Rose #1's school have to select an animal to research, make a 3D model of, write a book about, and generally live and breathe for 3 months.

Animal Research ("AR") is done! Rose #1 selected the gray wolf. She made her own habitat and model (really truly did it almost all herself unlike - AHEM - some of the other kids). She wrote a beautiful book about wolves, which she dedicated to her teacher.

All very, very sweet and cute. I am sorta glad AR is over. Another milestone down. Great job Rose #1!

p.s.: Anyone have any ideas what I should do with a 3D model of a wolf? With evergreen branches and cotton balls?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rose #2 was a scarecrow

Front row, second from the left: It doesn't matter that her scarecrow was an AUTUMN scarecrow. You try finding hay that you can send to school with a 6-year-old. At least the leaves were sewn together on a string. Otherwise they would have been totally unmanageable!

By the way, the lovely teacher in the middle is Mrs. Swenson, who was Rose #1's first grade teacher and is now Rose #2's. She is a great teacher with very helpful perspective and advice. She is also a total fashion plate and gorgeous to boot! We really like her.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still here...

Tonight I took the girls to the park after dinner. Rose #1 did the monkey bars all the way across for the very first time! This might sound wrong - like it should be Rose #3 or something - but it's not. Rose #1's little hand makes it hard for her to do the monkey bars, but she hooks her wrist over and she finally was able to go all the way across. Way to go!

Rose #2 and I read a Berenstain Bears book (shuddering sigh) and Harry Potter before bed. Reading Harry Potter out loud is really fun. The chapters are too long - J.K. Rowling should have had us parents in mind when she was setting chapter length - but otherwise it is a great read. Rose #1, my daughter who reads at a 10th grade level in 3rd grade, listens to the story too. I love reading to them. I know my days of reading to them are numbered. Going to love it while I can.

Rose #3 put on her kitty cat boots, her fleece, her grubby size 7 too-big pants, put her hair back behind her ears so I could fasten her helmet, and proceeded to ride a tricycle to the park. The tricycle is about six sizes too small, so she kept flailing out of control with her knees hitting her chin. Time to get her a real bike - with training wheels. Poor grubby little urchin.