Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blissed. Out.

Rose #3 and I had a wonderful mother/daughter day today since H went on Rose #1 and #2's ski trip.  We went to Rose #3's ski lesson (at Mt. Como) and then to lunch (Jimmy John's, I'm afraid) and Happy Nails!

I was going to get my own pedicure and then decided it would be more fun to watch Rose #3 enjoy her  time.  She loved getting her feet washed...

And she loved her massage chair...a few times she actually relaxed... 

This is the near final product...I should have waited to take the picture until the nail tech painted flowers on each and every one of her toes!
I had to give Rose #3 a piggyback ride to the car since her nails weren't dry yet...and she kept her little foam flip flops (which I threw away later).

I didn't get a pedicure until I was about 25.  Rose #3 has me beat by 80%!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Welcome Two More Redeemers! (And Farewell Tooth.)

Today we welcome two more redeemers! My niece, Olivia Walker Gray, and my nephew, William Michael Gray, born January 22, 2012, weighing 2 lb 10 oz (Olivia) and 3 lb 1 oz (Liam). They were a teeny bit early (born at 30 weeks) but they are healthy and their mom is healthy and we are SO. DARN. RELIEVED!  Pictures when I get them!

One more piece of news, just slightly less dramatic than the first:  Rose #3 had a wiggly tooth!  She bit into an apple and 24 hours later the tooth was gone.  Here she is in her jack-o-lantern-like glory:

Could we be any happier than to have new babies and one fewer tooth, and so many other blessings?