Yesterday (Sunday) was very, very hot and humid here in the great city of St. Paul, so we did what any self-respecting family with three young kids would do: we went swimming! The Highland pool was, not surprisingly, very busy. But, we had a great time. There is a zero depth entry pool that Roses #1 and #2 can navigate without needing to hold on to me. Rose #3 needs constant hands-on supervision at all times, because she believes she can swim. Seriously. We went over to the bigger pool for awhile and I was trying to get into the water before she jumped, but to no avail. She just stepped right off the side of the pool and went completely under water. She had her speedo floaty jacket on, but it is not a lifejacket - it is just enough to keep a kid afloat if she already knows how to keep her head above water. This is not Rose #3. By the end of the jumping game, she at least was announcing "Come!" before she jumped. This is, I believe, shorthand for "Here I Come!"
Today was not as hot, although it's easy for me to say that since I was inside an air conditioned building all day! Our house, built in 1916, does not have central air conditioning. We have a window unit in the girls' room, and one in the T.V. room, but so far not on our first floor or in our bedroom. This is partially a blessing: last night all three Roses slept in their own beds all night long!!
Rose #3's vocabulary has been growing by leaps and bounds. Today she learned how to say "Daddy Bike," since H biked to Monday Night Dinner (weekly dinner at my mom's house). The whole way home in the car, Rose #3 said, "NNN, Daddy, Bike!" which roughly translates as "Where is Daddy, Oh Yes, He is On His Bike!!" I can't remember the explosion of Rose #1 and Rose #2's vocabularies. I am trying to enjoy and remember Rose #3's vocabulary development.
Rose #2 has a busy week. I put her into Multi Sport Camp at the rec center (motivated in large part both by the very reasonable cost - $75 for the week - and the fact that it is kitty corner across the street!). So far all I could glean was that she is on the blue team. She gets a t-shirt, a ball, snacks, and 3 hours of fun each day.
Rose #1 is counting down the days until the end of kindergarten. It is sort of a hardship, going to a year round school, when you come to understand that all of your friends have the summer off from school. She will have the month of August off, then she starts her new school in September. We will have to sit down with her new teacher and talk about her hand; Rose #1 has a "little fin" (her left hand did not fully form in utero). It does not hold her back from doing anything she wants (except so far she has not been able to master the monkey bars, but I know it is just a matter of time until she does) but when she encounters new kids, they can gang up on her, and she needs good coping skills. A big part of this is partnering with her teacher to make sure that a no bullying policy is instituted right away.
I have been slacking off on pictures lately. I resolve to do better.
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