Monday, September 8, 2008

Rose #3: Not Ready for Prime Time Player

Well, she may not have a "first day of school" post, but here is Rose #3's saucy self, a photo from the other night when she was out playing with the neighbor kids:And, here is a shot of her in her little fleece jacket number:
Can you tell, just a little bit, from these photos why we call her "Mr. Stinkerpie"? (All in good fun of course and with an abundance of fondness?) And, by the way, I don't know why it evolved to "Mr." Stinkerpie vs. "Ms." Stinkerpie. It is one of those nicknames that just, well, fits.


Bachelor Paul said...
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Professor Howdy said...
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Lost in though said...

she's adorable (just found your blog randomly, hope you don't mind my stopping by)