Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy New Year
Here is Rose #2, as a Heavenly Host. When asked what a heavenly host was, all I could come up with was Angel!! Doesn't she look like one?
And here are Roses #1 and #2 together. Rose #1 was a little shepherd. I LOVE her headdress.
And here is the group of family that came to the pageant on Christmas Eve. Left to right: H, me, Poppy, Aunt Boo, Uncle Eli, Aunt Brenna. Second row: Rose #2, Guppy, Rose #1, and in the very front, Rose #3 (who is looking forward to being a CHERUB next year).
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Holidazzle and Face Paints
Rose #2 was obviously a butterfly. Today when I was cooking she was sitting across the table from me and reading everything in sight. She read from a ketchup bottle: "Only the best tomatoes for only the best ketchup." All by herself! Great job Rose #2!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
It Is -15 Wind Chill...Let's Go Swimming!
Monday, December 7, 2009
What Are You Waiting For?
Rose #1 needs to learn to sit still better. Just sayin'.
Anyway, after singing the older kids out to their Sunday School lessons, we listened to the sermon. The message - I think - was that we as liberal religious people need to move beyond a theoretical and academic interest in causes. Our minister said that we are great at advocacy, but terrible at being with people in need. That we need to redefine the bottom line - in this country, in our lives. The bottom line needs to be human compassion. Education. Community.
Oh, how I believe it. Most people would. So why is the world so unlike what we dream and wish it could be? Why is the message in church the same each week, and nothing changes? Why am I thinking about these things, musing about them, when a few months ago I would have barely had time to stop to even listen to the sermon?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Phew. I Did It.
Anyway. A propos of nothing, here is a photo of the Roses and three of their cousins. This picture was taken more than two years ago at Uncle Eli and Aunt Brenna's wedding. A few observations follow.1. Last time Rose #1 wore a dress. Wasn't she DARLING in it? I wish she would wear dresses more often. So cute.
2. Rose #2 looks so much younger to me in this picture than today. I guess it was nearly half her lifetime ago. Crazy thought.
3. Rose #3 looks nearly the same to me, although she has lost some of the baby roundness in her face. I love how she is so excited to be in the group.
Signing off. 30 posts in 30 days is hard work!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Unexpectedly fun Saturday
So we had a house full of kids this afternoon, and Rose #3 woke up from her nap with a MASSIVE bloody nose. Blood everywhere. After we staunched the bleeding and put her in the bathtub, the moms were here to pick up their kids. We snacked on cranberry scones and then Rose #2 worked her puzzle, Rose #1 played legos, and Rose #3 hung out with her daddy. Now I just finished folding laundry and we will all get ready for bed.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Friday, Friday, Wherefore Art Thou Friday
Nablopomo is ALMOST over. Whew. It has been good to keep up more here, but sometimes (like today - can you tell) I have just been grasping to post something; anything. I guess that's the first rule of writing - just get pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).
Off to change sheets. Did you ever notice how quickly time goes by vis a vis changing sheets?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
And sweet Maddie coming up the escalator:
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I Am Truly Thankful
For lots of family members who are very close. Today Guppy and Poppy picked up Rose #1 from school because our nanny (who is also a family member!) was out of town. They kept her for 3 hours until I could get there! Thanks.
For my husband, who for reasons that are sometimes a mystery, loves me and wanted to make this crazy family together.
For good books. And also not-so-well-written-but-tell-a-good-story-anyway books. Oh, I love to read. If there was a job where you just read for a living and decide how much you enjoy the book, that would be my job. Also, if there was a job where you could color pictures for a living (regardless of your actual artistic ability), I would like that job as well.
For good friends and neighbors.
For good food. I am a picky eater - yes, I admit it. But when I like something to eat, I really like it. Fresh tomatoes. Roasted potatoes. Stir fried chicken with garlic. Bagels with cream cheese. Yum.
I love Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Random Musings
Good news: Roses #2 and #3 unexpectedly got into backup daycare for Wednesday, meaning that I can work a full day and H doesn't have to miss work. That's a blessing.
We are going to do the Walk to End Hunger at MOA on Thanksgiving morning. Several good things about this - 1) raise money (obviously) to end hunger in the Twin Cities; 2) get out and get some exercise on Thanksgiving Day; 3) do something fun with a group of people and not watch TV.
Am getting v. tired. 1o p.m. is practically like 2:00 a.m. used to be in college.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
BECHAMP Thanksgiving
The kids had a great time. They ate, but not a ton, and then ran around. Including outside - a lot - with H playing football. Or hunters and animals, as I heard Rose #1 call it. Here is Rose #1 with her cousin Sam.
And Rose #2 with cousin Maddie. They were inventing a series of VERY elaborate secret handshakes tonight. I had to witness many of the handshakes in development.
We give thanks tonight for many things, chief among them family and good food. We are blessed.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
We Went Out
The outing was for a birthday party. Rose #1 has had a friend, Anders, who she has gone to school with ever since they were in the infant room at daycare together. Anders' mom turned 40 and a group of friends went out for dinner. We met some interesting couples. One is a neighbor of my uncle. The husband in another couple is actually a former Sunday School buddy of mine. A nice night altogether.
When we got back to Anders house, Rose #3 was completely and totally asleep. Rose #2 and #1 weren't far behind.
We should really go out more.
Friday, November 20, 2009
OK, We Saw New Moon
But is there anything wrong with a little escapism? With doing something I want to do for a few hours? With relaxing and enjoying a good story?
We had kind of a rough evening. H went to get his hair cut, and his car battery died. We went to pick him up, but we could not jump start his car. So, we picked up dinner and went home to eat (around 7:30, which may be a fine dinnertime for grownups but not really for kids). Edward Cullen never had to worry about his job or his car's battery or getting food into the stomachs of his children!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hey! One more day until New Moon!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
My Dancers
Here is Rose #2. She has a new leotard which she originally eschewed, but now she LOVES it. She loves the whole dance experience. She really waffles between liking dance and makeup and nail polish, and worrying that these things are too girly. But dance seems to have won her over.
And here is Rose #3. There was never any question that Rose #3 would want to take dance. She LOVES it too. The tap shoes, the ballet shoes, the tights, the whole shebang.
And Rose #2 and #3 together.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The Roses
A Black Squirrel
The Roses thought it was pretty funny that I ran outside in my sock feet to take a picture. My attempt at wildlife photography made farce.
Monday, November 16, 2009
MND Players
We adults always love it when the inevitable announcement is made that there will be a "show" at MND. Yay! A show! My sister pulled my niece aside tonight and gave her some hints about stage presence: the show has to be relatively short and voices have to carry. Too true - there have been many other shows that were all too long and that involved a great deal of mumbling.
Rose #3 spilled chocolate milk hugely all over her shirt, so she spent the better part of the show trying on "costumes" fashioned for her by her Uncle Andy. And Rose #1 and Sam were not interested in the show, thank you very much. They were far too busy writing "scripts" (presumably for a future show).
Sunday, November 15, 2009
NEVER Go To The Children's Museum on Free Third Sunday
Anyway, Rose #1 and Rose #2 really enjoyed the box exhibit. True statement: the empty box is the best toy every single time!
Rose #2 was not bleeding from the eye, or covered with chocolate (she wishes). The Children's Museum also has a face paint table. The Roses go directly to the face paint table without passing go or collecting $200. Anyway, Rose #2 also enjoyed the box exhibit.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A Perfect Day (Other Than Evil Virus)
(The evil virus is the cold I have had for the last 6 days. Sapping the strength. Last night I put myself to bed at 8:00 p.m.)
Friday, November 13, 2009
New Pillows
I just realized today that our nanny will be going back to college in about 6 weeks...we are going to need a new nanny! We have been so lucky over the last year and a half since we have had family members take care of the Roses. Time to go back out to the market...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I Am Not At All Obsessed by Twilight
Or the fact that I laughed like a crazy woman at this post. I am shamelessly modeling my post on hers (although hers is much funnier).
Or the fact that I check the articles on about Robert Pattinson every day. He's just so CUTE! (Of course, not as cute as my own husband, she said loyally.)
Really, I am not at all unhinged.
By the way, I realize that this blog is NOT about me. It is about my children. Rose #3 is sitting on the floor at my feet, reading a board book about Shapes. Rose #2 is waiting to go to her fall conference with her daddy. And Rose #1 is very happy that there is no school tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Class Night
Here is Rose #2 in her robe. Last week she came out of the shower and declined a towel, saying that "my robe is a towel." Maybe 5 minutes later she was still dripping and said, "I guess my robe isn't a towel after all." (I put it in the dryer for 10 minutes to dry it and warm it up!)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
My House Is Too Dirty for the Cleaners
But today the cleaners left a note that our house is too dirty. Technically, too messy. And really I think they were suggesting quietly that they need 5 hours rather than 4 to clean it.
I wish, wish, wish that I had time to clean my own house. I really like cleaning my house. There is a special way of cleaning your own house that no one else can get exactly right. I still like having cleaners, though. Just wish sometimes I could do it myself.
Oh well. I guess we will be that kind of family that cleans for the cleaners.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pity Post
We had to do a little reverse psychology about dance. Her cousin Maddie takes dance lessons, and her Aunt Tonya and I tried to get Rose #2 psyched up about dance. Rose #2 is not fully sold on anything that is too "girly". I guess the subtle pressure plus the new outfit did the trick. We have an arrangement to call Aunt Tonya after dance to report on how the lesson went.
We're very smart about outsmarting kindergarteners, yes?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
T-Shirts Custom Made
All the cousins are wearing them, and everyone was looking at the camera, and no one is scowling. What a cute, cute picture!
We had a good Sunday. I worked, went to the grocery store, then to church, then home to cook and fold laundry and generally putz around. Uncle Felix (remember him?) stayed for dinner, which was tasty. We made chocolate cupcakes for MND, and we had to sample them to make sure they were OK.
p.s.: they were fine! Rose #2 said that this was her dream day since she got a cupcake, peppermint bonbon ice cream and sprinkles.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
65 in November!
I pictured an idyllic family day in the sun with my children frolicking happily. Ha. Rose #3 had a terrible 3-year-old type tantrum, where she was screaming at me to come inside and be with her. Ugh. Rose #2 is coughing all over the place, on everything. Rose #1 was trailing my every step begging me to play soccer.
Now we are going to try to gather the Roses while we may (ha!) to go for a walk. I remember being a kid and hating to be dragged outside. Why am I surprised then that my children don't really want to go either?
But it is SO NICE out. And in like a week it will be -50 and snowing.
Edited to add: Overheard at dinner:
Rose #3: Can I have a Halloween treat?
Me: Did you eat 3 vegetables?
Rose #3: Yes.
Me: What kinds? (We had a crudite plate.)
Rose #3: Um....cheese.
Me: Cheese is NOT a vegetable!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Friday Night Chez Roses
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Grand National
The Roses stayed home with their nanny, who worked a 13 hour day (God bless her). Rose #1 brought home a very cute crop of school pictures (unlike Rose #2's pictures, that came back displaying an unpleasant grimace on her face...). Rose #2 is - knock wood, cross fingers, cross hair, whatever - at least arguably on the mend, though I think she is going to stay home tomorrow just to be sure. Rose #3 is cheerful and begged me to read Amelia Bedelia. Anyone else out there get sort of annoyed at the number of times you are required to repeat Amelia Bedelia in any of those books? I realize that repetition is part of the charm and the appeal for kids, but sheesh.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sick Child Central, Can We Help You?
Rose #3 appears to have recovered. I am being very lawyerly and couching my language. It is likely, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, that Rose #3 has recovered. Knock wood.
Rose #1 - not sick. Yet.
You should not come into our house if you have not contracted the flu virus yet this year. The pizza guy wisely stood at the threshold of the door. (Yes, we ordered pizza. On a Wednesday. My menu act leaves something to be desired this week, and poor little glassy eyed Rose #2 requested pizza. She ate some, too! And broccoli!)
I won't lie, I am a bit worried about Rose #2. I was worried about Rose #3 also, and she seems to be fine. I hope Rose #1 escapes this evil bug.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Latest Halloween Blog Post in the Blogosphere
Rose #2: A Bat! Homemade with umbrella parts! And face paint. She asked to be a bat, and by golly, the bat HAPPENED.
And Rose #3, who was unable to trick or treat because she wasn't feeling well. She started out the night in costume, but things disintegrated from there. After the trick-or-treaters got home, she rallied for the great post-event candy debrief.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Singing Sunday
She just loves it. This Sunday they sang "Turning" and "The Earth Is Our Mother." The kids are all so earnest, and cute. I wish they would stay that way...
Rose #3 is sick...think it is the flu. Poor baby. Her fever broke in the night, though, and she was sleeping soundly when I left. This is going to be a dicey week.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Day 1 of 30 and Post Halloween postmortem
No pictures in this post because I cannot find where H saved the Halloween pictures onto our network. A network is like a warren of confusion and mystery and trickery, if you ask me. Just a way to find places to hide files. We took some darling pictures of Rose #1 as Anakin, Rose #2 as a homemade bat and Rose #3 as a princess. But you can't see them.
Rose #3 is still under the weather, so she and I stayed home and answered the door last night. She kept calling trick-or-treaters "customers," and she confidently grabbed handfuls of candy to dole out. We didn't get many - 50 maybe - but our house is in a strange position on our block.
We had six pumpkins on our porch! Three carved by me, three carved by Guppy. Each kid had 2! And we have a respectable sized tupperware of roasted pumpkin seeds. My theory on roasted pumpkin seeds is that they are better in concept than in reality. Kids like to know that their moms are going to ootch through the goo and pick out the seeds, then roast them, even if the kids never intended to eat the roasted seeds in the first place. Oh well, I like roasted pumpkin seeds.
TTFN. Gotta work.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Neglect, A Sad State of Affairs
The Roses are fine. Rose #1 is gearing up for Spy Day at school. She has a magnifying glass and a small notebook (for clues, you know) and she will wear a face paint mustache. Query why school is making us come up with a costume on the day before Halloween (that is different, I might add, from her actual Halloween costume). But, no one asked the parents. I guess.
Rose #2 has made several confessions to me over the past few days. One: She got in trouble in science class for talking. She had to go to the time out chair. (Kindergarten science, you understand.) Two: She has a "boyfriend." I have no idea where she came up with the concept that she has a boyfriend, and I actually shared with her that I did not have a boyfriend until college. She seemed less surprised at that news than I would have imagined. Maybe I am 100x dorkier than even I suspect, and my children are in on the secret.
Rose #3 is full of news from preschool. She sits in circle time with "listening ears." They talk about firemen and policemen during circle time. She loves her new friend Eleanore. She was running a low grade fever tonight, and of course I am worried about her. She is just so sweet and good, and plump and juicy like a fruit. I want her to be healthy and happy forever.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Little Fins Fall Outing
There were many, many animals at this farm. I should mention that we had the place to ourselves, since the owner is kind enough to open the orchard to groups after regular hours. The girls loved petting the goats, holding the chickens, etc. I, on the other hand, may or may not have obsessed about removing their clothing the instant we arrived home, putting it straight into the washing machine, and scrubbing their little bodies down in the shower pronto. Which did not happen, actually, since we got home really late. Anyway, here is Rose #1 petting a goat.
And Rose #2, not to be outdone, also made friends with this goat. There were tons of baby animals, too - in October! The Roses held baby goats and chicks.
If you live in the west metro in the Twin Cities, you might want to check out this orchard. It was a fun time and our Little Fins group is simply wonderful.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Little Mermaid and t-shirt jammies
Little Mermaid is one of those movies that is better in concept than reality. It is simultaneously boring and scary. How does THAT work?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The Short and Fat - 2009
This is his second year riding in a big mountain biking race in northern Wisconsin. We stayed at the same cabin on Ghost Lake where we stayed last year. This year the weather was much, much nicer! We spent a little time down by the water - took the motorboat out and the paddleboat out. We tried fishing; not so successful.
Here is H and the Roses this morning before we left:
We really liked seeing the beginning of the race, watching H approach the finish line, watching the fish swim under the dock, throwing kidney beans in for the fish (don't ask!) and sleeping late - well - relatively late. For Rose #3 anyway. We are already talking about 2010 - H might do the long ride next year!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
I have been absent. I started a new writing class. H started a new heat transfer class. (What is heat transfer, you ask? I do not know. I will never know. No matter how many times it is explained to me, I. do. not. know.) School is in full swing. I have finally arrived at a strategy for Rose #1 and her homework. The expectation for 2nd grade homework is 20 minutes per night *and* 10 minutes of reading aloud. So, we set the timer for 20 minutes and I work with her - spelling, math, whatever is on the agenda. And, then we reset the timer for 10 minutes and she reads to me. We are reading Time Cat by Lloyd Alexander. It is a good read!
This weekend we are going to the Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival. This is our second year at the festival. The best part (in my opinion) is that we stay at a very, very nice cabin that is owned by an acquaintance of our family. Fireplace. Lake right out the back door. This year it is going to be sunny and nice - we are going fishing! BTW, did you know that the state of Wisconsin has an extensive, I mean truly comprehensive, set of fishing regulations! I looked at the PDF online of the fishing regulations and that sucker is 72 pages!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Rose #2 is an all day kindergartener...
Rose #2 had a really good first day of kindergarten. She was excited at all the toys in her new room, and she went like a big girl trooper on the bus.
We now have two Roses in all day school. This means that my family is getting older, I am starting to get my body back (after having three Roses in four years, nearly to the day), and...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the years of seriously expensive childcare! Yay!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Big Second Grader
Today was the first day of SECOND GRADE. I remember second grade - Mrs. Duerr - and her "terrify them" approach to drug abuse resistance education. (It worked in my case, not so much in the case of others.)
Anyway, I digress. Rose #3 and I walked Rose #1 to the bus stop. Rose #2 could not be rousted out of bed. Luckily our nanny Tamara was here to hold down the fort! Anyway, here are the beautiful Roses on the first day of second grade.