This is the last day of Nablopomo - 30 posts in 30 days. Did it! Actually did 31 posts in 30 days because one day I had too many cute pictures to post. Posting every day is a good lesson in just showing up - to write or to blog or to do anything creative. Showing up is a part of the battle, because if you don't show up, there is ZERO chance that you will ever write/create/post something interesting. If you do show up, hopefully there is at least a slightly larger chance that you will.
Anyway. A propos of nothing, here is a photo of the Roses and three of their cousins. This picture was taken more than two years ago at Uncle Eli and Aunt Brenna's wedding. A few observations follow.

1. Last time Rose #1 wore a dress. Wasn't she DARLING in it? I wish she would wear dresses more often. So cute.
2. Rose #2 looks so much younger to me in this picture than today. I guess it was nearly half her lifetime ago. Crazy thought.
3. Rose #3 looks nearly the same to me, although she has lost some of the baby roundness in her face. I love how she is so excited to be in the group.
Signing off. 30 posts in 30 days is hard work!
1 comment:
Also, her cousin Maddie is nearly bald...
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