Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Late February Blizzard

You know there is nothing finer than a late, late February snowstorm.  That drops 5 inches of very wet snow in about a 2-hour period.  Rose #1 is keeping a (sporadic) phenology journal and she wanted to take a photo of the snow for her journal.  This is the view out our front window:

Rose #3 is totally all about the dresses these days.  We were walking down the stairs tonight and I had to take a picture of her smiling up at me.  I know mommyblogs get a bit boring about how cute the kids are, but isn't she SO DARN CUTE!
And here is the icing on the cake.  When I got downstairs from changing my clothes after work, what did I find but Ms. Rose #2 helping herself to a delicious chocolate milk treat!  Yummy!
Goings on about the Roses house today.  Thought you might like to know.

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