Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is the second to last Wednesday class night without Daddy - Hooray!  Tonight was a bit of a whirlwind because I was running late at work and the girls had to go to Guppy's house.  They had a fine time there and then came home for taco night.  We had our dinner together, then we planned the schedule for Rose #1's birthday party:

3:00 Arrive
3:15  Games (Kickball, tag)
4:00 Pinata (I am going to make a homemade Death Star pinata.  Bet you've never seen THAT sentence in print (on web - whatever) before!!)
4:15 Presents
4:30 Cake
5:00 Parents pick up

This was my suggested schedule and is open for change.  Rose #1 in particular thought it would be more fun to have cake before presents, but I have it stuck in my mind that cake should be the last thing at the party.  You, my loyal blog reader (I mean readerS of course, readerS), can get an update of the actual schedule  - you know, how it really turns out - after the party.

Rose #2 is also feverishly planning her birthday party.  As long as I am making one pinata, I am going to make another.  At first she wanted Bakugan, but then inextricably changed her mind and requested a chicken instead.  A chicken pinata!  Should be interesting.


Jill said...

I seriously want to see you make a chicken pinata! Give the girls a hug for me!

Jill said...

We will be there around 3:30-4pm, is that ok???