We were a bit worried that she might be held back. Just kidding, of course. Who wouldn't want this cute thing in their 5-year-old kindergarten class!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Rose #2 is a 5-Year-Old Kindergartener!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Finally. At Long Last. I Am A Mom Who Can Sit And Watch Her Kids Play.
So, H and I sat and actually talked. About going to see the new Harry Potter movie. About changes we want to make to our house, some short term, some longer term. If we had unlimited money, we would knock down the wall between our kitchen and our weirdo, underused, back room with french windows, french doors and fireplace. It would be such a cool greatroom/kitchen. Unfortunately the wall that we want to knock down has most of the kitchen cabinets and all of the plumbing. So it is no small feat.
We walked home from the park and had red and orange popsicles on the front porch. Then the two older Roses played Club Penguin and I read library books to Rose #3. After showers and brush teeth, the Roses are in bed. And, at this point, almost asleep.
(My apologies to Sheldon Harnick for borrowing Fiddler on the Roof lyrics.)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
In the home stretch now
They wanted a bath - what could I say? I prefer showers - cleaner, less giant puddles on the floor, less time that I have to spend kneeling on the bathroom floor wrestling shampoo through the Roses' hair. But every now and then it is nice to have a good old fashioned bath.
We had a good evening. I am reading Beezus and Ramona to Rose #1 and tonight they played Beezus and Ramona. Rose #1 was Beezus, Rose #3 was Ramona, and poor old Rose #2 had to be Ralph, the imaginary lizard.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Coach Pitch Night
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hats Off to Single Moms (and thank goodness for a good support system)
I really have to tip my hat to single moms. I can only surmise how hard it is - I am weary after only 48 hours. (Is that all? Only 48 hours? Why does it feel like 48 DAYS?) And it hasn't been that hard - I get out of the house to go to work, and we have an extremely kind, hardworking and willing-to-make-dinner nanny. I have it so, so easy by comparison.
But there are little cracks in my patience level, already. Example: Rose #2 used our bathroom, which is against the rules, by the way, and put a wad of toilet paper the size of my HEAD down it. I still have not been able to plunge the darn thing out. If H were here, it would have been fixed 24 hours ago. And the endless round of potty, wash hands, dry hands, etc. with Rose #3 is wearying. I had to ask Rose #2 to get undressed for her shower about 1,893 times before she actually did it, and she only actually did it when I walked her over to the laundry basket so she would not get distracted. I am solely responsible for taking out the garbage, locking up the house, killing stray and random bugs - why did the bugs wait for H to leave for Texas to ALL COME INTO THE HOUSE? So far I have killed a beetle, one of those awful basement bugs with 18,000,000 legs, and various flies and ants. I hate killing bugs. Not because I feel sorry for them either. Mainly because I feel sorry for me, having to crunch them and then pick up their dead bodies with a napkin, or worse, a Kleenex. Eeeeech.
H, hurry home to us. You need to plunge the toilet and do a shift on bug-killing duty. Plus we miss you.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Post-MND Sister Smiles
After story time the Roses posed for a picture in their jammies:
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Skirts and Scarves at MND
Is this not the absolute cutest group of kids you have ever, ever seen? Here is some information about them, left to right:
On the far left is Bea, who once (famously) (in January 2009) fell down in the tide pool at the Minnesota Zoo. I thought of this because before surrendering to sleep tonight, Rose #3 said, "Remember Beatrice fell down tide pool?"
Next to Bea is Rose #2, who did not change out of her school clothes before going to MND! The school uniform summer t-shirt goes well with the 4th of July skirt, I think.
Next to Rose #2 is Maddie, who was inexplicably afraid of the horse in Kirksville. Maddie is a very tough little girl, but the horse was apparently too much for her!
Next to Maddie is Rose #3, who was running today and fell down, getting a very large owie on her elbow! She looked quite distraught when telling me about it, but perked right up as she recounted that our nanny gave her a bandaid. She loves bandaids. Note how Rose #3 is holding the hand of...
Baby Kate! I LOVE this picture of Baby Kate since she is right in the thick of things AND is she smiling a big, big smile.
Rose #1 is next to Baby Kate. Can you even believe it, Rose #1 wore a skirt! She removed it immediately following the picture, but she still managed to put it on. I think she looks beautiful in a skirt, but I am just the mom. What does mom know anyway?
Next to Rose #1, of course, is Sam. Sam looks very dapper in his 4th of July neck kerchief.
And circling back to the front row, sitting on his truck, is Gus. Gus came over to me at MND and laid his head on my lap, which I found quite endearing.
Thank you for the picture Guppy!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Kirksville 09, Part Trois
Here is a small disclaimer: I HATE reptiles and amphibians. But the kids liked them! The students retrieved an absolutely enormous python from its cage - it was over 13 feet long - and let it stretch its, er, legs down the hall. The kids were fascinated. I was faintly repulsed.
The kids also enjoyed petting this orange snake creature. I have forgotten which type of snake it is - its snake genome or whatever you call it.
Rest assured, everyone washed their hands quite thoroughly after the snake touching was over. Phew.
Kirksville 09, Part Deux
Anyway, here are all the Roses and their cousins waiting to meet Polly the horse:

Kirksville 09
Bad news: H was sick. Really sick. H1N1, probably, or at least "type A influenza," which is a CODE NAME for H1N1. If you ask me, anyway. I am not a doctor.
We decided to go anyway, because how could you refuse these faces: