On Day #3 of the Kirksville trip, Grandpa Pete was kind enough to arrange a horseback riding outing (because Rose #1 expressed a wish to go horseback riding!). We went out to the Truman State University farm and met the very, very kind equestrian coach Emily, who arranged for a ride on her very own horse Polly.
Anyway, here are all the Roses and their cousins waiting to meet Polly the horse:

And here is Emily the coach and Polly the horse. Polly was a very old and gentle horse, who did not mind in the slightest that the kids were riding her:

Before Polly could get her saddle on, she had to be brushed. All the kids got a turn to brush her, and here is Rose #1 brushing Polly:

After Polly was saddled up, Emily asked for riders. No one volunteered, until Rose #3 plucked up her 3-year-old courage and went first. Here she is in her helmet with Grandpa Pete and Emily looking on:

Rose #1 quickly lost her fear after she saw that Rose #3 loved it, and she went next:

And Rose #2 was fourth. She loved it - can you see the big smile on her face?

I got one silhouette shot of Rose #2 at the end of the paddock:

And finally, I had to take a shot of the warning sign. This was prominently displayed at the entrance. I had to snicker a tiny bit at the structure of the warning ("Under Missouri law...pursuant to the revised statutes of Missouri"). But that's the lawyer in me shining through.
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