Did we go before we left home?
What a silly question.
Anyway. Major drawback to having all girls - mommy has to do all the potty runs. So, we ran to the potty, made it (PHEW) and found our way back to the rest of the family. Because there was clamouring for minidonuts, we meandered down Cooper Street. And, happened upon, wouldn't you know it, the Lego Experience. As Fair attractions go this was pretty good. The - er - kids - got Lego guy necklaces and got a sticker for each activity they did. Here we are below building "something you would find in the rain." Rose #1 thought up cloud, which the booth attendant said no one had done yet (very creative Rose #1!!) and I did a boring puddle But here we are building with our Legos:
Now, the Kidway is right across from the Legos. We managed to eat our minidonuts and then it was time to descend upon the RIDES! Rose #3 went by herself on the whales while Roses #2 and 1 and I waited in the line for the ferris wheel. Here is Rose #3 in motion:
And here we are post-ferris wheel ride. We had a good time! At first I was a touch nervous when the ride guy had us switch places with another family "to balance." Do you really need to balance a ferris wheel? I was sort of under the impression that it was strong enough to really hold people in any combination. I was also reminded, I must confess, of the movie The Notebook where the romantic lead character climbs up a ferris wheel. Uh, no thank you. I was nervous enough that the car would somehow become separated from the main wheel. We all made it down safely, as you can see:

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