Our nanny went back to college last week, but before she left, she took the Roses out for dinner (which meant, by the way, that H and I got to go rollerblading by the Mississippi river!). This is a picture of the Roses from her camera:
And, the inevitable funny faces picture:
We have started a new tradition of saying our memories about Guppy right before bed. Tonight we remembered mini golfing with Guppy (Guppy wanted to win!), a trip to a park where Guppy caught the Roses as they went down the twirly slide, and an occasion where Guppy had to shake Rose #1 awake in the car after they arrived home from picking Rose #1 up from kindergarten.
My memory about Guppy is that she disliked men with "needy chests." (I have noticed that as a result of Guppy's memorial service, everyone is talking about her like she was perfect and a saint. While I would do almost anything to have her back and healthy and with us, she was certainly not perfect! I want to remember her how she was, warts and all. That's what made her human and made her our own unique Guppy.)
Rose #2 told me about your new bedtime ritual today. What a great idea! You are such a great mom!
I am amazed by your wonderful blog. May I ask, what is a needy chest? LOL
Hello to the three roses and their parents!
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