Monday, May 31, 2010

May Birthdays 2010

Today we celebrated May birthdays at a picnic at Central Park in Roseville. Rose #1 got a Harry Potter quidditch robe (thanks Aunt Boo) and a Target gift card (thanks Aunt Heidi) in addition to the presents she got at her birthday party. And, her Poppy gave her the most exciting present ever...
...a kid leather jacket. Kid not in the "baby calf" kind of meaning but the "size 7/8 youth" kind of meaning. Here she is with her Poppy, super happy about her new leather jacket.

As for me, dear readers, I ate roughly my own WEIGHT in food at the picnic. Chicken shishkabobs. Potato salad. Watermelon. Chips. Appetizers. I feel like my stomach is its own nation. Luckily, tomorrow morning I am scheduled to bike all the way to downtown Minneapolis...YIKES!

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