I have to take some portion of the guilt, though, as I did not coerce or even remind the Roses to go potty before we left.
So as we were trekking over to the bathrooms to see if they are open, I may have been the tiniest bit crabby. Rose #3, picking up on my annoyance, reflects it right back on me. She eyes me critically and says: "DO YOU DRESS FASHION? NO."
She meant, of course, are you interested in fashion? Do you try to keep up with the latest fashion trends? Do you attempt to look stylish (ever) or (when going to the park on a Saturday afternoon after a full day of housecleaning)? The answer, of course, is that I do not dress fashion....
But Rose #3 does. Proof (she forces me to lay out her clothing on the rug the night before so that she can see if it looks good enough to wear):
OK, I may have made that last bit up. But the rest of it really happened!
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