The last birthday of the bunch - Happy Birthday To Rose #3! Here is Rose #3 blowing out her birthday candles last night at her birthday dinner party. We had a delicious dinner of shishkebobs on the grill, rice, and broccoli. And, of course, delicious birthday cake!!

And here she is opening her gift from our neighbors. The gift was a lovely game of shape blocks that are used to make pictures. Rose #3 loved it. So did Rose #2, come to think of it!

And in keeping with past traditions, here is Rose #1 on the day she was born, on her daddy's chest in a hospital rocking chair. She was such a character when she was born, and she is still one today. This picture makes me think of the smell of hospital hand soap, which will always smell like having a baby to me.

Happy Birthday to you Rose #3, my scrumbly little bunny. I love you so, so much!
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