OK, enough obfuscation. To the important stuff: I have pictures of the Roses! Here is Rose #1 after she played (shhhh, don't tell anyone) with a DOLL!!!!!!!
And here is Rose #2 next to the dolly lineup. She wants you to think that she is a tomboy and she doesn't like anything that's girly, but I wish you saw her arranging the baby dolls. Deep inside her beats the heart of a girly girl:
And never forget intrepid little Rose #3. Doesn't she look SMUG? She was so pleased with herself. It is her birthday on Sunday and she is almost 3!
Here is the dolly lineup with its architects:
(Note the baby doll on the far left has a t-ball hat and a brown necklace. Lest you think that Rose #1 was actually going to let those dollies get the better of her tomboy nature. )

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