Saturday, May 29, 2010

First day of Memorial Day weekend. Lots of things happened.

For example, Rose #1 was invited to see Mulan, Jr. at the Children's Theater. She was a bit reticent to go but she ended up loving it. Here she is under the sculpture sun in the MIA/CTC atrium:

This morning we went to our friendly local hardware store and got supplies for the garden for the summer. Each Rose got a trowel (Rose #1 keeps calling them trellises, for some reason). Below see Rose #1 and Rose #2 posing with said trowels and with Rose #3, who was dressed up to go to her first ever friend birthday party!

And a non-smiling Rose #3 posed solo before the party. Her hair is finally long enough to be held back with barrettes - YAY - and we found her Barbie (or are they Dora? Or Princess) sunglasses.
She carried her very fashionable pink sparkly purse to the party (and promptly forgot it there, engendering a need for the entire family to return on foot after dinner) which holds her 3 - count them, folks, 3 - lip glosses. Raspberry, strawberry, and Skittles (GAG).

As for me, loyal readers, I dug in the garden, mowed the lawn, did some shopping, went to the compost site where I was yelled at by the compost site worker (thanks a lot, dude), and snuck to Dairy Queen with Rose #2 where, virtuously, I only got a Diet Coke. And a few bites of Rose #2's M&M Blizzard.

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