Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ladies Night #3

Another Wednesday night at home with the Roses...a bit more subdued tonight. Rose #1 had pneumonia over the weekend and she still isn't 100%. But she did draw a beautiful picture to earn her dessert tonight (it was the "Hall of African Mammals" a la Night at the Museum notwithstanding that one of the animals bore a striking resemblance to a pig):

I wish you saw the look on Rose #2's face when I introduced a new dessert concept: pretzels with melted chocolate chips. It wasn't exactly this look but it was close!
Rose #3 is just perpetually cheerful. In this picture she was helping Rose #2 color a picture to earn their dessert.
And here they are in action:
We managed to avoid all TV time tonight (not all screen time - a few games on PBS kids online) and they are just much happier girls when I don't have to pry them away from the tube.

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