Thursday, September 18, 2008

Parent Information Night and the Student Council Debacle

Tonight was Parent Information Night at Rose #1's school. We went to hear about first grade academic expectations, and to get our questions about homework, processes, etc. answered. Rose #1 is in a solid school. The teachers are so committed, the equipment is top notch, and the parents really care. It is a school for gifted and talented kids. Rose #1 is having trouble settling down for her homework. I think this is driven by several factors. One, she is really, really tired. Her teacher said tonight at Parent Information Night that she likes to see the kids in bed at 7:30 or 8. As if! We are barely done with dinner by 6:45. So, the shame spiral starts again - working too much, worried too much about things outside my house, when really my focus should be here at home on my kids. Ugh.

Rose #1 was sick yesterday, and was sent home from school at about noon. Apparently yesterday her teacher announced that today would be the day she would select student council representatives. Each child was supposed to prepare a speech. Only one girl remembered, and she was the one chosen. (This was not Rose #1.) Rose #1 was devastated that she forgot. She was sobbing. So, I convinced her to write a note to her teacher tonight to make her best case for being selected as the student council alternate. Rose #1 asked me to call her teacher to see if I could convince her to select Rose #1 for the alternate - but - I am NOT a helicopter parent - I said no, it was her deal to figure out.

Rose #1 is timid in interesting ways. She was worried about presenting the note to her teacher. She told me that she gets embarrassed about these things. It reminds me so much of me, I can't stand it! I hope I can guide her to be more confident.

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