Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School, Day One, Check

Rose #1 had a good first day at school. Despite the last minute dash for the first day bus (the RNC is in town, and I think the school district dispatched buses earlier than advertised), she made it to school, found her classroom, unloaded her backpack (last minute school supplies that I forgot to drop off on open house night) and generally settled in. Her tablemates are named Felix, Michael and Sophia. She said that some children had questions about her hand, but they did not make fun of her or tease her. I want to send a big thank you out to the universe for watching out for Rose #1, my little Bean, today. The act of putting a child on the school bus - to things unknown, to places unfamiliar - is tough. Really tough! It all turned out well.

Next week is Rose #2's big day. She received a postcard from her teacher, Mrs. Stromstad, today, saying that she was looking forward to having Rose #2 in class. This is a very smart way to get the parents on your side early! What a cute idea!

Rose #3 wanted to go to school with Rose #1 today, and it will probably get worse tomorrow. Maybe I can find a morning class for Rose #3 and her nanny to attend. Poor Rose #3. It is hard to wait to do things when your big sisters are already out in the wide, wide world.

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