Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pictures from Grandparents Day

Guppy emailed pictures from Grandparents day. Here is Rose #1 reading:Guppy and Rose #1 making the list in my previous post:
Circle time with the fabulous Mrs. Webster:
A shot of Rose #1 at her cubby:

And the best of all - Poppy, Rose #1, and Guppy.

It is such a blessing to have lots of people who love our kids. When I was a girl, only my mom's dad was alive, and I knew he loved me, but we didn't see each other very often. He died when I was in second grade. My paternal grandfather is still with us - practicing medicine at age 95! - but he lives in Bethel, OH. I am so grateful for Guppy and Poppy, and Ahma and Ahgong, who can be here to love the Roses in real time.

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