Monday, November 10, 2008

Just Another Manic Monday

Out the door early again to work, work, work, work all day then back home to the girls for MND at Guppy's.  We had tacos!  And corn.  And carrots.  And delicious homemade apple cake (thanks Aunt Heidi).

The mood was sort of subdued.  Our ministers' son is battling cancer and he is having a rough time. Check out his blog.  We are sending him healing thoughts and prayers and we wish him strength and health for his continued recovery.

Yesterday our sermon was about gratitude, and how even in the worst of times, on the bleakest of days, there are blessings all around us.  Today it seems hard to find those blessings.  My Rose #1 is whistling in my ear as I type - that's a blessing (of sorts).  Rose #2 is chowing down a piece of American cheese - that's a blessing.  Rose #3 was wearing a cute brown dress and her cheeks are rosy today - that's a blessing.

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